frequently asked questions

Q: How do I place an order?

A: The best way to place an order is to simply send us an email with a completed order form attached; or if you don't want to get involved with all of that high-tech, whiz-bang stuff of attaching order forms to emails, just list -- within the body of your email -- the items you would like to order. Always include your phone number in your email, in case we need to call you.

Q: How do I know you got my order?

A: Once we've received your emailed order, we'll always reply with an order confirmation.

Q: How do I pay you?

A: With the order confirmation you can simply send us a check, the old-fashioned way - you remember - stamps, envelopes, barking dogs. Or better yet, just bring payment to us in person when you come pick up your order.
We do take Credit Card Payments for orders that we will ship out. (Remember! DON'T EVER send credit card information via e-mail. You'll want to use your telephone for that information transfer.)

Q: How do I get my stuff?

A: When your ordered product arrives at our location, you'll receive an email from us indicating that the product is here. It is then greatly appreciated if you can come by within 2-3 days to pick up your order! We have very limited warehouse space; and we prefer to know that your food storage is safely stored at YOUR home; we have our own.

Q: Do you deliver?

A: We do offer home delivery along the Wasatch Front and to many other areas in Utah. Delivery fees apply, but we try to keep the fee as reasonable as we can. For instance, we can typically deliver right to your door, if your door is in either Utah or Salt Lake Counties, for as little as $20/delivery.

Q: Do you ship out of state or country?

A: We ship all over the U.S. regularly; and we occasionally ship to foreign countries. Shipping fees do apply; but we try to make things as reasonable and pleasant as possible.

Q: What if I have other questions?

A: We try to answer every question we receive. We're not as good at some questions as we are at others. For instance, if you want to know the precise longitudinal coordinates of Area 51, or the molecular weight of the helium in a typical birthday balloon -- well, we're going to need some time. However, if you want to know why Quick Oats are so quick and why Regular Oats are so . . . regular, or why Olive Oil should be stored in a tin as opposed to a bottle, or the virtue of home-made bread, we can give you those answers really fast. Just call us, or send us an e-mail, and we'll do our best to answer your questions.


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