| This honey is wonderful raw alfalfa/clover honey from Yack Brothers in Vernal Valley, Utah. It comes in three container sizes: 5-lb half-gallon jug 10-lb gallon bucket 45-lb 4-gallon bucket This honey is raw and will eventually crystallize, but raw honey stores forever! Pasteurized honey will go bad!To get runny honey from crystallized, solid-as-a-rock honey: Simply heat! My preference is to put a pot with some water on the stove @ simmer. Set your container of honey in the pot and let it sit till it is nice and soft. You can even leave honey out on a nice warm day, and that will soften it. The secret is lots of low heat! :-) Order Forms
| This amazing sweetener is so healthy! What nutritional value is removed from the sugar cane while processing white sugar remains in the molasses. It is loaded with iron and is a great dough enhancer. With a strong, hearty flavor, it is perfect for whole-grain breads, gingerbread, or delicious muffins. Order Forms
| This sweetener is great in that it can be used cup-for-cup like white sugar, making it easy to use in recipes. HERE IS A LINK to a great article on Coconut Palm Sugar. Also on this link are charts that show the amazing nutritional value of this uncommon sweetener—very high in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Pretty impressive! Order Forms |