Chirine Wadsworth has been in the food business for a long time. She started her first food-buying club eighteen years ago in Wisconsin. In those early days she sourced and organized bulk food orders for friends and neighbors, in an effort to get high quality, everyday, fresh and long-term foods at wholesale prices. Today, through Alpine Food Storage, she oversees a large food-buying club with the same kind of neighborly, friendly, service that was rooted nearly two decades ago in Wisconsin.
Alpine Food Storage is a buying club that specializes in everyday and long-term foods. Although our primary market is in Utah, we regularly supply resources and food items to customers in virtually every state in the United States, and into Canada.
We provide home delivery from our own trucks where possible, and regularly ship to distant locations.
Although we primarily source foods for long-term storage, we also have a growing list of seasonal products designed for variety and everyday use.
Here is a list of our current product offerings. Click on a link to learn about a particular product, and to download the applicable order form. Order forms can be emailed, faxed (801-216-4588) or sent by regular mail.
Our Newest Products
Culinary Herb Seeds in a Can
Fresh Idaho Potatoes
Dehydrators and Roaster Ovens
Food Storage Cookbooks
Organic Blue Agave
Shirley J Products
Shelf-Stable Milk
***If you live south of Provo, please add yourself to our new Southern Utah/Southern Nevada email list. ***