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Beef Chunks--pre-cooked *** Chicken Chunks---pre-cooked
$38 per #10 can $210 per case of 6 #10 cans
Compare to Mountain House prices: $47-$50 per can before shipping!
Pork Chops---uncooked****Cottage Cheese ---ready to eat
$30 per #10 can $169 per case of 6 #10 cans
Compare to Moutain House prices: $43-$53 per can before shipping!
---These are manufactured by Oregon Freeze Dried (Parent Company of Mountain House.)
---Beef and Chicken rehydrate to roughly 10 cups of meat per #10 can. 14-15 servings per can
---Pork chops come 30-34 small chops to a can making about 14 servings per can.
---Cottage cheese rehydrates to 20 1/2 cup servings.
---They have a 30-50 year shelf life!
---They rehydrate in minutes and are (except the pork chops) ready to eat.
---Beef, chicken and cottage cheese can be sampled straight out of the can.
---Pork chops cook quickly after rehydration---45-60 seconds each side in a hot skillet.
This price includes shipping to my home in Highland!
To order email me at info@alpinefoodstorage.com or download the order form and mail with your check to the address listed above.
Here is a list of our current product offerings. Click on a link to learn about a particular product, and to download the applicable order form. Order forms can be emailed, faxed (801-216-4588) or sent by regular mail.
Our Newest Products
Culinary Herb Seeds in a Can
Fresh Idaho Potatoes
Dehydrators and Roaster Ovens
Food Storage Cookbooks
Organic Blue Agave
Shirley J Products
Shelf-Stable Milk
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